Ya. Inilah kebenarannya saat ini. Seakan-akan buku ini memotivasi aku untuk cepat menyadari kalau semua ini hanyalah siklus kehidupan biasa. Ada "ups" dan ada "downs". Heri bilang kalau hidup itu lurus-lurus saja, berarti "You're dead.". Makasih buku, makasih Heri :)
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
That Random Feeling
2 hari belakangan ini memang hari-hari korban perasaan. Perasaan apapun deh, mau senang, sedih, capek, haru, excited, seru, palak, galau, marah, lemah, pasrah apapun deh jenis dari situasinya, yang jelas feelingnya random -_-. Disini aku cuma butuh duduk, diam, berpikir (over-thinking) dan berbicara ke diri sendiri, kadang kalau kesel ya sambil nendang-nendang.. kayak orang gila.. tapi itu satu-satunya cara supaya aku bisa tenang lagi..
Aku tau kalau random feeling ini datang dari hasil over-thinking aku, aku ngerasa bodoh karena terlalu banyak mikir. Tapi aku masih melakukannya, karena aku terlalu care..
Sunday, April 21, 2013
God, Deliver this to my Grandma...Please?
Dear Grandma,
It's been 4 years since you're gone.. Life's changing too much for me.. Ever since your death, I meet almost new people everyday, new stories, so I can't seem to remember your death just too much.. Life brings me nowhere 'til today. There are many things I've figured out from myself, and it's so sad that you can't see what are they. Gran, now I can play the guitar just like you, and I understand some keyboard's chords just like what you did when I was just a little girl. I learn a lot about your music, and I enjoy listening to them all every time I'm alone. I found my passion on arts more than science.. and I want you to know that I'm looking forward to be in a multimedia university, so will you pray for me from above? It'll mean so much for me if you did. I keep asking to God, why won't He answer my prayer, to keep you alive until I go to college and maybe until you finally see me graduated from high school. It's so sad that you didn't even see me when I'm graduated from middle school. But I always try not to blame the destiny and God's choice. I know you were taken away because you wanted to see me and protect me from the above, maybe not beside me, but from the above.
Right now, I'm playing a song that always reminds me of you, it's tears in Heaven. You know, Gran, I always cry every time I hear this song.. It's just, I'm talking to you even though I know that you're all gone. I'm just hoping maybe if you could hear me singing every time this song is on. I don't want to be sad for a long time like this, but, I just can't walk away from the past, trying to act like you're not even dead at all, trying to keep calm when I can't stand my loneliness. To be honest I felt so lonely after your death. There ain't nobody who can fill my loneliness, not even my crazy friends. They're there but I can't seem to accept them, not it's not me that can't accept them to fill my loneliness, it's my heart that keeps denying them, it's always been you, Gran.. but why?
Gran, mom has been the strongest woman during these times, every time I talked about you, I know her her is broken, but she keeps showing her smile and act like a strong woman, I can't seem to be like mom, she's too strong. I hope I could always cheer her up, I know she's lonely, maybe more than me, so please will you pray for her too? I think that would be better if she feels happy every time because her life is blessed by your prayer, Gran.. don't worry, she always pray for you, and Grandpa.. hoping that one day we all can reunite together in heaven. I will pray for you and Grandpa too :') so we can be together in heaven.
But there's just one thing that I doubt every time I remember the first line in Tears in Heaven, it's: "Would you know my name, if I saw you in heaven?". That makes me sad to death, i'm afraid you'll forget me, forget my name, forget what we've done in earth, forget everything, and we're standing above just like strangers. I don't want it to be like that.. honestly I'm scared, Gran. Right now, I just want my old life back, somewhat it couldn't be done, because life goes on and you can't rewind it even if you want to. There are bad people in my life and they're just too much, Gran. Not like when you were here, everything seems to be okay. I miss people in my old life. I want them back, but some of them are gone, some are dead and some are living, but changing too much. I hate changes, now everyone makes me change. Now everyone want a revolution, and I just respect them based on their attitude. Some people in my life now just don't know how to use their brain in life, love, friendship and more, sometimes they make me sick, but sometimes I'm too deep for them, sometimes I enjoy the ride, sometimes I just want to leave this place so bad.
There are a lot of things I wanted to say and type, Gran. I do, but it'll be too long and I'm getting tired too, I shed a tear when I typed this and I wanted you to read this, even though somehow I don't know how. Well, then, wish me luck for everything that I choose, Gran, pray for my high school year, pray for my college, pray for my career, and pray for us, mom, dad, Haekal, and Unc. Dody are missing you as well. Take care, Gran :) just like what you always told me to do..
I miss you :(
Friday, April 19, 2013
Too Much For A Boy
Like We Used To
I can feel her breath as she's sleepin' next to me,
Sharing pillows and cold feet.
She can feel my heart, fell asleep to it's beat,
Under blankets and warm sheets.
If only I could be in that bed again...
If only it were me instead of him...
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts when you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to "Purple Rain? "
Does he do all these things, like I used to?
Fourteen months and seven days ago...
Oh, I know you know,
How we felt about that night.
Just your skin against the window...
Oh, we took it slow,
And we both know...
It should've been me inside that car.
It should've been me instead of him... in the dark.
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts when you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to "Purple Rain? "
Does he do all these things, like I used to?
I know, love, (I'm a sucker for that feeling.)
Happens all the time, love, (I always end up feelin' cheated.)
You're on my mind, love, (or so that matter when I need it.)
It happens all the time- love, yeah.
Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you everyday?
Will he make you feel like you're invincible with every word he'll say?
Can you promise me if this was right:
Don't throw it all away?
Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things...
Like we used to?
Oh, like we used to...
Sharing pillows and cold feet.
She can feel my heart, fell asleep to it's beat,
Under blankets and warm sheets.
If only I could be in that bed again...
If only it were me instead of him...
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts when you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to "Purple Rain? "
Does he do all these things, like I used to?
Fourteen months and seven days ago...
Oh, I know you know,
How we felt about that night.
Just your skin against the window...
Oh, we took it slow,
And we both know...
It should've been me inside that car.
It should've been me instead of him... in the dark.
Does he watch your favorite movies?
Does he hold you when you cry?
Does he let you tell him all your favorite parts when you've seen it a million times?
Does he sing to all your music while you dance to "Purple Rain? "
Does he do all these things, like I used to?
I know, love, (I'm a sucker for that feeling.)
Happens all the time, love, (I always end up feelin' cheated.)
You're on my mind, love, (or so that matter when I need it.)
It happens all the time- love, yeah.
Will he love you like I loved you?
Will he tell you everyday?
Will he make you feel like you're invincible with every word he'll say?
Can you promise me if this was right:
Don't throw it all away?
Can you do all these things?
Will you do all these things...
Like we used to?
Oh, like we used to...
Lagu diatas ini..terlalu memikul beban yang banyak buat seorang cowok menurutku..kasian..
bodoh juga ya ada cewek yang nyia-nyiain cowok yang nyanyiin lagu diatas ini -,-
Too Complicated
Komplikasi..hidup dan cerita di dalamnya makin komplikasi..terlalu banyak hal-hal yang berkaitan sama peribahasa "kacang lupa sama kulitnya" terlalu banyak bahkan terlalu sering orang berubah..akupun juga berubah, dinamis sesuai lingkungan..maaf jika aku berubah, tapi itu semua karena lingkungan yang memaksaku harus berubah, aku berubah karena lingkungan, karena perlakuan orang padaku, jika itu membawa dampak buruk buatmu maka maafkanlah, bukan maksud hati begitu..tapi jika perubahanku bahkan tidak merugikanmu hanya membuatmu merasa kehilangan maka izinkan aku sejalan dengan apa adanya aku sekarang ini, aku butuh mengikuti arus kehidupan..tapi ketahuilah, semua orang berubah sekarang, bukan cuma aku, tapi kamu dan orang-orang lain juga berubah. Lupakanlah sejenak cerita lama, ikuti saja alur cerita yang sekarang ini dulu, mungkin di penghujung cerita, kisah lama itu bisa kembali terungkit lagi. Jangan takut, sebenarnya perlakuanku akan tetap sama saja..ya jangan takut.. komplikasi ini hanya bersifat sementara waktu...biar waktu yang menyelesaikan semuanya hingga hidup dan ceritanya ini menjadi normal lagi seperti sedia kala..
Friday, April 5, 2013
Still My Favorite Line
So let them know what's underneath it all...
You won't fall
And baby you'll move mountains too
There is nothing really left for you to prove
‘Cause everybody knows you lose before you win
And if you're finally at the end of your rope
Well then you just begin
When the world feels like it's left you behind
Just get back up and you will find
Everybody knows in the end you got to lose just to win...
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Some Bloggers
Ada beberapa bloggers di sekolahku, yang juga lumayan hobi blogging, here are some of them:
Blognya Nisa:
Blognya Nisa ini yang isinya curhatan dia, pandangan dia terhadap sesuatu ataupun kisah hidupnya yang menarik, bahasa yang dia pakai juga bahasa kita sehari-hari jadi gampang buat dimengerti, oya berhubung Nisa suka anime, blognya juga berbau anime :)
Blognya Miranda:
Blognya Miranda ini, penuh sama curhatan Mir tentang kegalauannya huhuhu, gak galau juga sih, ada juga yang isinya tentang pengalaman dia dan hal-hal yang dia alami hari itu. Miranda udah jauh lebih dulu neg-blog daripada aku, jadi isi blognya pun juga udah lebih maju daripada blog aku hehehe..penasaran kan? cek aja langsung :)
Blognya Nik:
Ini nih, blog yang baru dibikin 2 hari yang lalu, isinya baru satu entry dan sekarang Nik sedang berusaha untuk meramaikan blognya..semangat Nik!! Oya asal usul nama blog Nik itu lucu loh, dia awalnya ga tau mau dikasih nama apa blognya, jadi dia pergi ke google translate, terus dia ketik "frozen heart" terus diubah ke bahasa Basque, akhirnya dapat nama Izoztuak Bihotza -___- jadi, itulah asal usul nama blognya Nik -_- Yey..
Blognya Angga:
Hmm APP itu singkatan dari Angga Putra Pratama, Blitzernya ga tau apaan -_- blognya Angga dulu aktif, eh maksudnya dulu Angga masih aktif jadi blogger, tapi semenjak-semenjak sibuk ni -_- haha isinya knowledge, puisi, cerita dan pengalaman...blognya simpel tapi keren :)
Blognya Revo:
Ini blognya tukang bacot di dunia maya -_- FYI, Revo bener-bener gak banyak bacot di dunia nyata, gatau kenapa dia heboh banget kalau di dunia maya, termasuk di blognya :) tema blog Revo juga anime, tapi lebih spesifik yaitu semacam-macam pokemon gitu...Revo itu bikin blog buat berbagi tips buat para blogger tentang gimana cara memodifikasi blog kalian biar jadi keren..cek aja blognya kalau mau memodifikasi blog kamu :)
Blognya Dimas: (Oke ini wordpress, bukan blog ._.)
Blognya Dimas, eh Wordpressnya Dimas ini isinya luar biasa puitis..kebanyakan bahasanya pakai frasa-frasa pujangga -_- tapi bagus banget isinya kalau kamu bisa mengerti dan lumayan mengharukan :') ada postnya yang galau, senang dan lain-lain pokoknya apapun isinya dia makai bahasa puitis :3 oya FYI, Hesper Fuyuki itu artinya Evening Star in the Winter.
Blognya Nugra:
Blognya Nugra ini isinya Islamic, Konwledge, Stories and many more, gak salah juga kalau member dan visitornya banyak, apalagi kita bakal ngerasa kayak di Gramedia di blognya karena dia masang lagu klasik di blognya..hmmm pokoknya yang mau nambah ilmu boleh main-main ke blognya Nugra :3
Blognya Nada:
Kalau boleh buka rahasia, blognya Nada ini dapat dari hasil nge-google -___- haha mungkin dia emang belum ngasih tau blognya ini ke banyak orang, but I googled..hehe piss Naad..ternyata blogmu masih aktif ya ._. Blognya Nada isinya curhatan seorang Nada Nadia Ulfah :3 haha semangat nambah postnya Naad :D
Cuma segitu yang kuingat, banyak banget blogger SMANSa tapi gak semuanya yang aku ingat nama blognya ._.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Aftermath, Lagu yang Paling Memotivasi
Have you lost your way?
Livin' in the shadow of the messes that you made,
And so it goes,
Everything inside your circle starts to overflow.
Take a step before you leap,
Into the colors that you seek,
You'll get back what you give away,
So don't look back on yesterday!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don't be afraid of what's inside!
Gonna tell ya, you'll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
You feel the weight,
Of lies and contradictions that you live with every day,
It's not too late,
Think of what could be if you rewrite the role you play.
Take a step before you leap,
Into the colors that you seek,
You give back what you give away,
So don't look back on yesterday!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don't be afraid of what's inside!
Gonna tell ya, you'll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
Before you break you have to shed your armour!
Take a trip and fall into the glitter!
Tell a stranger that they're beautiful!
So all you feel is love, love!
All you feel is love, love!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don't be afraid of what's inside.
Wanna tell ya, you'll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don't be afraid of what's inside!
Gonna tell ya, you'll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
(Gonna tell ya you'll be alright!)
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
(Just remember you are not alone!)
In the Aftermath!
Livin' in the shadow of the messes that you made,
And so it goes,
Everything inside your circle starts to overflow.
Take a step before you leap,
Into the colors that you seek,
You'll get back what you give away,
So don't look back on yesterday!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don't be afraid of what's inside!
Gonna tell ya, you'll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
You feel the weight,
Of lies and contradictions that you live with every day,
It's not too late,
Think of what could be if you rewrite the role you play.
Take a step before you leap,
Into the colors that you seek,
You give back what you give away,
So don't look back on yesterday!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don't be afraid of what's inside!
Gonna tell ya, you'll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
Before you break you have to shed your armour!
Take a trip and fall into the glitter!
Tell a stranger that they're beautiful!
So all you feel is love, love!
All you feel is love, love!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don't be afraid of what's inside.
Wanna tell ya, you'll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Wanna scream out,
No more hiding,
Don't be afraid of what's inside!
Gonna tell ya, you'll be alright,
In the Aftermath!
Anytime anybody pulls you down,
Anytime anybody says you're not allowed,
Just remember you are not alone,
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
(Gonna tell ya you'll be alright!)
In the Aftermath!
In the Aftermath!
(Just remember you are not alone!)
In the Aftermath!
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